Predictive Interaction & Lessons from Wrangler/Trifacta
- Potter’s Wheel was a Berkeley research system in the early days following Online Aggregation in the CONTROL project.
- DSL for data wrangling
- Scalable Spreadsheet + DSL-Menu UX
- Type inference algorithm including user-defined types
- Anomaly detection algorithm
- Wrangler and Profiler were the follow-ons, in concert with “real” HCI/DataVis folks (Jeff Heer and Sean Kandel)
- Predictive Interaction in place of menus
- Arguably the main contribution over Potter’s Wheel
- A paradigm for human/AI interaction, targeted at this use case
- Articulated more fully in CIDR paper on Predictive Interaction
- Interactive, NL-based History
- Compilation of DSL to other languages (JS, Python, SQL)
- Anomaly detection and data quality visualizations
- Sample-based spreadsheet
- Predictive Interaction in place of menus
- Trifacta was the commercialization of Wrangler/Profiler
- Originally targeted at Big Data (Hadoop, etc)
- Subsequently made into serverless SaaS, over SQL, Big Data, Pandas, etc.
- Many bells and whistles
- Acquired by Alteryx (market leader in end-user data prep) in 2022
Slides on Predictive Interaction
- Powerpoint
- I don’t currently have access to Alteryx, so we’ll have to settle for a Video Demo
LLMs meet Databases: Data, Dreams and People
- It would be foolish to ignore the potential of LLMs in 2024.
- Seems like three classes of usage:
- Rote work like office text/stock-image generation, code assistants. Grounded by human review.
- Dreams, include image and story generation, NPC behavior. Bounded by rules/contraints.
- Text search/summarization, grounded by data (citations/links)
- In the end, LLMs are dream machines
- Suggestive, seeded with recorded data, but not bound by reality in the way they search/recombine.
- In high-value real-world applications, LLMs need to be grounded (by data) or bounded (by logic), and reviewed by humans
- There is a wide range of computer science to be done here, from HCI to DB to AI to PL to Systems.
- Caveat to this aspect of the lecture:
- We are in early days, it’s impossible to keep up with everything, and I’m not trying.
- I wish I had time to review these slides with colleagues/students before class, but hopefully a framework for followup
- This is neither complete nor well-attributed. More of a zeitgeist/brainstorm than a scholarly talk.
LLMs for Data Wrangling?
- I still think this is an ideal Petri Dish for grounded research in this space
- Side steps tasks humans are “good at”: verifying prose/images
- Raises all the questions of:
- Soft boundary between human exploration and specification
- Verifying outputs that humans are not so good at assessing
- Code synthesis vs. Output synthesis
- Tight feedback loops between AI, People, and deterministic SW (checkers, summarizers, data visualization, etc.)
- EPIC Data Lab is pursuing!
- Many wrangling tasks can benefit from LLM inference
- Data restructuring
- Standardizing formats
- Type induction
- Entity resolution
- Deduplication
- Anomaly detection
- Data imputation
- Mock data generation
- Target schema mapping suggestions
- Join suggestions
- Data augmentation
- …
- All this is approximately useless without the right frame
- UX feedback loop for human validation:
- Predictive Interaction
- Guide/Decide
- Data quality visualization
- Program synthesis for reuse, scaling, verification
- UX feedback loop for human validation:
From Chatbots to RAG
- Chatbots compress and dream in two ways:
- Compress a large corpus into a computational structure
- Dream up a (more) useful form/starting point for each user query.
- Dream up a relevant “answer” progressively, starting with the query.
Consider how this works for RAG. Scenario: an assistant for PostgreSQL users - This assistant should give excellent answers to relevant questions. - This assistant shouldn’t engage in irrelevant discussion (“how are you?”, “how do I do this in Oracle?”) - Certainly shouldn’t say something like “this is supported in DuckDB, but not PostgreSQL” - Exploring these ideas in practice at RunLLM
- Here’s the basic RAG structure
- Train LLM, index documents in a (vector) database. Documents need to be chunked “well”.
- Rewrite query using both sources and dreams
- RA: First, take query and load nearby documents (data) into the query prompt (context) as well.
- HYDE (Hypothetical Document Embedding): Given the user query, dream up a generated answer, and use that instead.
- Generate answer(s) from the LLM
- Enhance trust by Grounding in citations: Check proximity of answers to the corpus (e.g. keyword overlap density) and annotate answers with citations – if no good citations say “I don’t know”!
NL Querying of Relational Data a la RAG
i.e., relational data, LLM-driven query processing
- One can just do text-to-SQL and use the relational DBMS
- Consider how we might use RAG-style design:
- LLM + compressed database? How to embed DB tables?
- Taking NL input and turning into something better.
- one or more formal queries in SQL?
- more carefully-worded NL?
- both?
- Generate answer tuples
- using an LLM?
- using a DBMS?
- both? cheaper LLMs for subtasks?
- Enhance trust by Grounding/Bounding
- Ground with provenance
- Not a great general UX (often TMI, esp with negation/aggregation)
- Bound with constraints (e.g. the full SQL text? and SQL results? fragment predicates? A NL description of logic constraints?)
- Ground with provenance
Relational Querying on Unstructured Data
i.e., LLM-driven data, relational query processing
- Traditional knock on relational data is simply that most information isn’t relational
- Problem solved! Any data can be featurized into tuples/vectors with virtual semantic “attributes”
- NL text, Images, Video, Motion Trajectories, etc.
- Can be done with cheap classifiers or with an LLM
- In principle can run SQL on whatever virtual atrributes we choose
- E.g. “how many video clips in Alameda County between midnight and 5AM show a car turning left near a pedestrian”
- Can be an interesting end-solution, i.e. analytics on multimedia
- Can be used underneath applications for classical data independence reasons
- E.g. in AI pipelines
- Separate your data+featurization from your quantitative calculations
- Note: The schema and data are unbounded!
- Do we close the world and run a query? Or does the query dictate its own schema?
- Something more iterative/possible-worldsy?
- What’s the best way to choose/populate features?
- Strawman: Eager ETL for featurization, followed by SQL?
- probably too expensive
- Strawman: Lazy featurization on demand?
- Hybrids (ETL the easy features to help decide what to do for (2))?
- Strawman: Eager ETL for featurization, followed by SQL?
- Trust: The queries are deterministic SQL, but how do we trustground/bound the featurization?
- Role of approximate query processing? The data is noisy after all!
Full Hybrid: Relational and LLM-driven data, relational and LLM query processing
- RAG provides some context here, blending vector search and LLM inference
- but vector search language is very limited, computationally
- Where do we use what tool?
- In principle, relational lens serves to
- ground/bound the dreaming and
- Calculate deterministic things more cheaply than an LLM
- Imagine a langchain pipeline with SQL-like query plans embedded inside
- Are these optimizable for efficiency/quality tradeoffs?
Generic efficiency/quality tricks
- HYDE-style “canontextualization” of queries
- Ground: Citations/provenance
- Bound: logic synthesis/checking
- Testing:
- Human feedback (e.g. from production)
- Adversarial tests: perturb data and queries, look for sensitivities
- Cascades: redundant filters using increasingly expensive models with false positives.
- Assume $p \subset p_1 \subset p_2 \subset p_3$
- then $p \approx p_3 \wedge p_2 \wedge p_1$
- and $p = p_3 \wedge p_2 \wedge p_1 \wedge p$
- Funky data chunking/embedding
- E.g. chunk documents by structure
- E.g. chunk tables sorted-columnwise and row-wise
- E.g. hierarchically chunk to capture multiple granularities
- Sampling and other query approximation schemes
LLMs as Program Synthesis Engines
- I love this direction: convert dreams into reliable building blocks
- CoPilot + Python is probably a bad example of where this goes
- Humans have nearly full responsibility to verify correctness
- CoPilot + Rust engages the AI with rich type system for deterministic correctness checks
- Even stronger proof assistants would be nice
- Rust seems too fussy and imperative as an end-state for this research.
- Emphasizes value of declarative spec languages
- Amenable to stronger proof techniques
- Is Text-to-SQL better than Text-to-Python? Unclear to me. But maybe that’s just a problem of SQL per se.
- Admits other modes of debugging: e.g. example traces or data provenance examples
- A new generation of read-mostly programming languages?
- Checkable, yes
- New emphasis on rendering those languages for human review
- What is a good computer language to read? See examples of Regex rendering in Predictive Interaction paper
- Seems that legacy languages are not necessarily an albatross for LLMs, so we’re not stuck with Python
ML for Systems stuff
- Many classic systems heuristics lose to instance-trained model
- E.g. cache eviction policies, process scheduling, etc.
- These were always kind of primitive and mediocre.
- Yawn.
- Query Optimization is a more interesting playpen
- Hard, heuristic selectivity estimation can be improved with better models
- Exponential, exhaustive DP search can be replaced with heuristic RL
- Maybe end-to-end approaches? (Im not yet convinced)
- Core data structures or algorithms can be instance optimized, but should they?
- Learned indexes?
- Seems a bit silly for B+-trees.
- Maybe for multidimensional indexes (which are heuristics that have exponential worst-cases)
- If we’ve already got poly-time human algorithms, do learned structures really help? Or maybe we can learn to tune our deterministic structures!
- Learned indexes?
- Clearly this space has some use, but
- Probably best pursued in industry on real workloads where low %-age wins are verifiable and worth the effort
- I don’t trust research papers with low %-age wins
- Seems unlikely to supplant algorithm/architecture design
- What might we learn from these efforts? Can we translate back into engineering?
- Keep an eye on predictability. As we’ve learned with Query Optimizers, users often hate regression of any kind.
- Probably best pursued in industry on real workloads where low %-age wins are verifiable and worth the effort
Is this worth your time?
- There are a million tweaks in this space, and each one will get a paper
- Undifferentiated sea of student papers
- Industry may have better data sets
- Although maybe only for the common knowledge part, so can build on top?
- Query/Usage corpora are the real advantage
- One option: identify new Computer Science problems that LLMs open up
- Anything related to efficiently/correctly Grounding and Bounding results
- Then perhaps reflect that back into more efficient interaction with LLMs
- “correctness pushdown” into the LLM
- Probably best explored in a “vertical” application domain
- E.g. RAG, Program Synthesis, Query Answering, etc.
- Like all of CS, I think the HCI/UX aspects are very important.
- Is the 19th century “Great Man Theory of History” out of date in AI research?
- Maybe it’s more like experimental physics?
- Maybe that’s OK?
- I’d still encourage you to try and find Big Problems to solve
In sum
- I don’t believe LLMs will replace CS any time soon
- If anything, they accelerate the need for new CS research that the AI community is not addressing
- End-User issues in data tools (wrangling, etc) are a great Petri Dish for this area
- Core DB + LLM question-answering is a very rich research space
- Certainly a DB renaissance: expands the scope of relational querying to all data
- Including common knowledge!
- Certainly a DB renaissance: expands the scope of relational querying to all data